Imperial Notre Dame
Power reserve: 42 h
D'AGUET is proud to put forward the Geneva spirit through the new collection. The concept of D'AGUET is simple and original; we are referring it to the architectural design found beyond the past and present cultures. Every dial represents a world's region having its own identity. We are trying our best to discover the time under the genius of the humanity which is named “Art”. Welcome to the collections…
The experts will appreciate our finest D'AGUET watches that lift the veil on our new collection.
“The nature of architecture, is it not to adapt itself to the time's spirit?
If it is the case, then the master-builders have left their signatures on the gigantic monuments which have perpetuated through eras.” So, it maybe the noblest act by acknowledging their techniques and know-how when reading time through all its grandness!
By visualizing « La Rosace» ….
D'AGUET pays tribute to the neogothic. Arts of architect & craftsman can be compared to the traditional initiation, ethic & respect of the knight.
The dial reminds us the lace stones curved and sometimes counterbalanced by reducing the veins in the keystones and pilasters. The contrast and the reflection will offer you a distinguish adornment valuing “La Rosace”, master piece of “Notre Dame”, appealing the bright light by its precious stained glass window.
All the components are manufactured in Switzerland…
The setting of the watch-case is composed of 238 diamonds, 7 karats equivalent. The movement can be visualized through the transparent case-back decorated with circular-grain; the screws are blue-stained and the oscillating weight has an engraved motive reminding the dial. The wristwatch complexity is defined by the know-how of the craftsman, “Tamers” of stones, offering their passion to the initiates. We are hoping that the time lecture will provide you the passion of the gothic master-builders. We are inviting you to join the nobility of the 99 roses of this limited edition adorning time-space!