2024 cultural mediation programme
GPHG - Exhibition of the 90 nominated watches by the Academy
“Beyond the Clock”- Diploma projects from the Watch Design Chair and the Master Media Design at HEAD - Geneva
31 October to 17 November at the Musée Rath, Geneva
Free-of-charge activity
Hosted by the Geneva School of Watchmaking, these introductory watchmaking workshops enable participants to assemble watch components and immerse themselves in the heart of a watch mechanism.
Tuesday to Sunday at 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm (60 min). Suitable for all ages from 10 upwards. Online registration: inscription@gphg.org
Guided tours of the exhibition.
From Tuesday to Friday at 12 noon / Saturday and Sunday at 2, 3 and 4 pm (50 min). Open to the general public aged 15 and over.
Online registration: inscription@gphg.org
YOUNGSTERS’ WORKSHOPS « Rhabille ta pendule » ("Pimp your clock”)
These workshops enable youngsters to dismantle and reassemble a working clock under the watchful eye and expert guidance of a watchmaker from the Musée International d'Horlogerie (MIH).
Saturday 16 November at 2 pm and 4 pm (90 min). For ages 7 to 12. There are 18 places available.
Online registration: inscription@gphg.org
Talk in French titled ‘Savoir-faire et valeurs humaines’ (expertise and human values): dozens of professions are involved in shaping the technical, artistic and industrial nature of the industry today. Discover why the human hand is indispensable. Hosted by Gianfranco Ritschel, Master Trainer at the Fondation Haute Horlogerie (FHH).
Saturday 9 November at 12 noon (45 min). Open to the general public for listeners aged 15 and over. inscription@gphg.org
A fun and exciting evening (game and cocktail) organized in partnership with the FHH (Fondation de Haute Horlogerie), hosted by Pascal Ravessoud, Vice-President of the FHH. Teams will battle it out over questions on watchmaking knowledge. Who will be the best?
Thursday 7 November at 7pm (90 minutes). At 1 Pont de la Machine. Open to all aged 15 and over.
To register, contact Sophien Salah, sophien.salah@hautehorlogerie.org +41 22 721 36 91
SCHOOLS (free-of-charge activity)
Three combined activities for pupils aged between 10 and 16 (8P and Cycle d'orientation):
- Introduction to watchmaking workshop (45 minutes)
These workshops enable participants to assemble watchmaking components and immerse themselves in the heart of a watch mechanism.
- “Gears" workshop (45 minutes)
Using an educational kit containing a sophisticated set of gears, and accompanied by scientific mediators, youngsters discover basic concepts such as force, speed, transmission of energy or information, clockwork).
- Guided tour of the exhibition comprising 90 timepieces (45 minutes)
Led by a watchmaking expert, this visit will enable students will discover the excellence of the contemporary watchmaking creations nominated by the GPHG Academy.
Tuesdays (5 and 12 November), Thursdays (31 October, 7 and 14 November) and Fridays (1st and 15 November). 45 minutes per workshop, i.e. 180 minutes for the entire school trip (including breaks), maximum 24 students.
For more information, please contact the GPHG: inscription@gphg.org