2023 cultural mediation programme
Exhibiton of the 2023 90 nominated timepieces
“Hands & tools”, MAH collection
Diploma projects from the Watch Design Chair at HEAD - Geneva
26 October to 12 November at the Musée Rath, Geneva
Free-of-charge activities
Hosted by the Geneva School of Watchmaking, these introductory watchmaking workshops enable participants to assemble watch components and immerse themselves in the heart of a watch mechanism.
Tuesday to Sunday at 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm (60 min). Suitable for all ages from 10 upwards.
Registration: inscription@gphg.org
- Guided tours of the exhibition.
From Tuesday to Friday at 12 noon / Saturday and Sunday at 2, 3 and 4 pm (50 min). Open to the general public aged 15 and over.
Registration: inscription@gphg.org
- Visit the exhibition under the guidance of Estelle Fallet, chief curator at the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire. Event reserved for SAMAH members.
Tuesday 7 November at 12.30 pm (60 min). Registration : samah@samah.ch
YOUNGSTERS’ WORKSHOPS « Rhabille ta pendule » ("Pimp your clock”)
Organised in partnership with the Fondation de Haute Horlogerie (FHH) and the Musée International d'Horlogerie (MIH), these workshops enable youngsters to dismantle and reassemble a working clock under the watchful eye and expert guidance of a watchmaker from the MIH.
Saturday 11 November at 2 pm and 4 pm (90 min). For ages 8 to 15. There are 15 places available.
Registration: inscription@gphg.org
- Talk in French "Comment commencer une collection de montres" (how to start a watch collection) by Pascal Ravessoud, Vice-President of the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie (FHH).
Saturday 4 November at 12 noon (45 min). Open to the general public aged 15 and over.
Registration: inscription@gphg.org
- Lunchtime lecture organised in partnership with the Société des Amis du Musée d'art et d’histoire on the theme: "La Main et l’outil” (Hand and Tool), given by Estelle Fallet, chief curator MAH (watchmaking, enamelling, jewellery and miniatures). Friday 10 November at 12 noon (120 min). Paying event (lunch boxes : CHF 20 for SAMAH members/ CHF 35 for non-members). Open to all aged 15 and over. Registration: samah@samah.ch
A fun and exciting evening (game and cocktail) organised in partnership with the FHH (Fondation de Haute Horlogerie), hosted by Pascal Ravessoud, Vice-President of the FHH and Suzanne Wong, Editor-in-Chief of WorldTempus. Teams will battle it out over questions on watchmaking knowledge. Who will be the best?
Friday 10 November at 7pm (90 minutes). At 1 Pont de la Machine. Open to all aged 15 and over.
To register, contact Sophien Salah, sophien.salah@hautehorlogerie.org +41 22 721 36 91
Would you like more information? Contact the GPHG: inscription@gphg.org
SCHOOLS (free-of-charge activity)
Three combined activities for pupils aged between 10 and 16 (8P and Cycle d'orientation):
- Introduction to watchmaking workshop (45 minutes)
These workshops enable participants to assemble watchmaking components and immerse themselves in the heart of a watch mechanism.
- “Gears" workshop (45 minutes)
Using an educational kit containing a sophisticated set of gears, and accompanied by scientific mediators, youngsters discover basic concepts such as force, speed, transmission of energy or information, clockwork).
- Guided tour of the exhibition comprising 90 timepieces (45 minutes)
Led by a watchmaking expert, this visit will enable students will discover the excellence of the contemporary watchmaking creations nominated by the GPHG Academy.
Tuesdays (31 October and 7 November), Thursdays (2 and 9 November) and Fridays (3 and 10 November). 45 minutes per workshop, i.e. 180 minutes for the entire school trip (including breaks), maximum 24 students.
For information and booking, contact the GPHG: inscription@gphg.org